Amataya Wellness Krabi

88/1 Moo7 Huai Nam Khao , Khlong Thom, Krabi 81120


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    Because good health is what everyone desires. Amataya Wellness, a kingdom of health healing and rehabilitation, comes with comprehensive health care services, which consists of Amataya Rehabilitation Hospital, Amataya Holistic Medical Treatment, and Amataya Residence, all with the wonders of an underground wealth which created natural salt hot springs. It has been said for hundreds of years that these salt hot springs are the only in the world with a unique mineral profile, while also offering the perfect temperature. From belief to proven results, Amataya Wellness is ready for you to experience superior care in rehabilitation for various diseases and restoring the balance in your body to help strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of long-term diseases. All of this will allow you to find the right way to take care of your health in your own way and will make you believe that miracles can happen at Amataya Wellness.


  • Experience the healing power of Amataya Wellness, offering comprehensive healthcare services including rehabilitation, holistic treatment, and residence.
  • Nestled amidst natural salt hot springs, renowned for their unique mineral profile and perfect temperature.
  • From rehabilitation to wellness, discover superior care tailored to your needs, and embrace the possibility of miracles at Amataya Wellness.

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จาก 26.61$
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Price you pay
